Dr Anne Collins
MB BCh BAO 2004 NU Ireland; MRCS Irel 2007; MS (IREL) 2010; CHST Plastic; Reconstrucive & Aesthetic Surgery 2015 IREL; FRCSI (PLAST SURG) 2015 IREL

Practising at
Southern Cross Central Lakes Hospital - Plastic Surgery
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Full NZ Registration Date
27 Mar, 2018
Special Clinical Interest(s)
- Skin cancer surgery and reconstruction
- Hand surgery
- Cosmetic surgery of the face, breast and body
- Reconstructive surgery of the breast, head and neck and limbs
- Non-surgical facial rejuvenation
Professional Profile
Dr Collins is a Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, who holds vocational registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand and is a registered specialist with the Irish Medical Council. Since 2017, she has been serving the communities of Otago and Southland through her work in the public hospital system. She holds consultant positions at Dunedin Hospital and Kew Hospital, Invercargill and operates privately at Mercy Hospital, Dunedin.
Dr Collins graduated with honours from University College Dublin in 2004 and subsequently completed the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland’s (RCSI) Basic Surgical Training programme. Her journey to become a specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon involved rotations through the major plastic surgery centres in Ireland and allowed her to gain experience and exposure to all facets of adult and paediatric plastic surgery. In 2015, Dr Collins successfully completed the Intercollegiate Fellowship Examination of the four royal surgical colleges (Ireland, England, Glasgow and Edinburgh), in addition to the Fellowship Examination of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. She subsequently relocated to Sydney, Australia, where she completed two further years of advanced training, incorporating microsurgical breast and head and neck reconstruction, cosmetic surgery of the face, breast and body and hand surgery.
Throughout her career, Dr Collins has demonstrated a commitment to academia. In 2010, she was awarded a Master of Surgery by the RCSI for her work on the design, implementation and validation of the RCSI E-Portfolio, the first web-based educational portfolio introduced for medical students. Her fellowship training in Sydney was supported by the the prestigious Dr Richard Steven’s Scholarship and Ethicon foundation grants. In addition to international and national prizes for surgical research, she was also awarded the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) travelling fellowship, which enabled her to visit the renowned Wrightington hand surgery unit in the UK. At present, she is a Clinical Senior Lecturer with the University of Otago and enjoys her role in training and inspiring future generations of plastic surgeons.
Post Fellowship Training
Positions and Memberships
- Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dunedin Hospital
- Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Kew Hospital, Invercargill
- Private Practice, Fernbrae House and Mercy Hospital, Dunedin
- Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Otago
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon, Irish Medical Council
- Member Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons